Do Tarot Cards Really Work and How


History Of Tarot Cards

Play cards have been used since the 18th century to predict future outcomes. These play cards, later called "tarot cards/decks" likely originated in Italy in the early 14th or late 15th century. Artists in Europe created the first playing cards, which were used for games.

All of the cards were symbolized by four different suits, which is similar to The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck (originally published in 1910), which is the most popular tarot deck around the world. Around 1780, people were starting to use tarot for cartomancy.

Major and Minor Arcana Cards and Suits

We have the major and minor arcana cards in tarot. Major arcana cards represent life lessons, karmic influences and big themes in our lives. Minor arcana cards reflect trials and tribulations that we experience in our daily lives.

The major arcana cards exist out of 22 cards, whereas the minor arcana cards are a total of 56 cards. The minor arcana cards are represented by four suits. Each suit has its meaning and so does each card represented by its suit and specific number. In modern occult tarot decks, the suits are represented by wands, pentacles, swords and cups. Each suit then exists out of 14 cards; the "ace" (one), two through ten, Page and Knight and King and Queen.

Can and How Do Tarot Cards Predict The Future

Tarot cards predict future outcomes based on current energies that are involved around a particular situation. Everything in the universe exists out of energy and so does each thought we have, the words we speak and each card of the tarot. The cards pick up on a vibrational state or frequency and thus present future possibilities based on that energy field. They are electromagnetic states or expressions of information, that connect with similar states in the human energy field. That is the reason why the tarot always seems to provide accurate predictions. 

When asked a specific question, the cards that show up will essentially be those that are attracted by the energies surrounding the reading. Hence, when a person asks for a reading to find out the truth about something, they will usually receive the truth, because that is what they are aiming for. All energy and information that ever was and ever will be is present within our galactic universe and is accessible to each one of us at any given time, that makes the tarot so special and lucrative to make predictions and discover truth.

There is also what is called "synchronicity", which some perceive as another reason why tarot cards provide accuracy in readings. A person who is well-aware can notice synchronicity in many things. The tarot itself is sometimes seen as a synchronistic type of work that can be used to provide answers to certain questions. Synchronicity is something that is looked upon as being divine and unexplainable, but certainly has meaning behind it. However, the tarot being a tool of divination that is completely unreliable, faulty, misleading or untrue can be debunked, since science is able to explain why it possesses validity, as explained in the paragraphs above.

Free will

Tarot cards can and do predict future outcomes, however that is not always the case necessarily. We always have free will in life, so if we want to change our future based on our current circumstances or conditions, we most often certainly can. The tarot only gives a great indication of what would happen if the present, based on current thoughts, beliefs and expectations, were to be continued.


People that practice tarot sometimes use their psychic gifts for further or enhanced clarification. They often use their intuition for extra guidance and messages. Some do intuitive readings, meaning they read the cards and add extra or more personalized information by using their intuition or calling upon their higher self.

Spirit Guides, angels & ascended Masters

Some tarot readers call upon their spirit guides, angels and/or ascended masters to guide them in their readings for additional messages. People who are psychically gifted might benefit from this, since higher 5 dimensional beings have the ability to channel information through their senses.