Updated: 14/11/2024
Match The Vibrational Frequency - Get What You Want Every Single Time
We can have what we want only by matching the vibrational frequency of a specific object, person or situation; everything you see and can not see with your physical eyes is simply constantly moving and vibrating at a specific frequency. We manifest things all the time even if we are consciously unaware of it but if you would like to manifest more effortlessly and succesfully, you must think of reality in terms of energy, vibration and frequency.
Everything and everyone has its own specific vibrational core frequency and everything in our lives we have at one point attracted towards us. Your home, the people you connect with, your romantic partners etc, have all come into your life because you matched a certain frequency. You'll vibrate or as a matter of fact, oscillate, at the same level of vibrational frequency as these people or things and that's how you literally become a physical match to each other and this counts for anything in life that you resonate with.
It's not that difficult to match the vibration of that of what you want. It is often more difficult to hold that feeling of that which you want long enough, so that it can manifest into physical form. Most people simply fall back into their old negative thinking patterns and start thinking about not having what they want or about all the reasons why it "can't" manifest. It's suffice to say that obviously negativity in regards to manifestation blocks it from happening.

Try to diminish any negativity that's holding you back from manifesting succesfully, since you either focus on having what you want or not having what you want; we can only be aware of one thing at a time. What you are focusing on, you will always experience more of; so if your focus extends more towards not having something, you are prolonging the manifestation process. It is furthermore a must to be persistent and only focus on what you want, to get what you want.
You have to feel it in your heart; feel what you want to have or experience in every present moment when you think about your manifestation. When you feel those emotions, you are on that frequency to attract what you want. The mistake most people make however, is that they force themselves to feel something and this is a big mistake because when you force something your subconscious will know that you are trying to make something happen and this instantly blocks manifestation from happening.

Visualization is a powerful permission slip as per manifestation tool and can be used to really get into that "feeling" state and activate it. A great tip is to visualize and experience your desired manifestation playing out enough times in your imagination, so that your new state of consciousness becomes at least 70% of your new reality. When that happens, you will attract your manifestation. There is no other way around it, since that's how manifestation works. Your subconscious mind can't differentiate between what's real and what's imagined in regards to your imagination and what you're thinking and feeling.
You simply will attract what you want every single time, when you are on the right vibrational frequency; don't worry about the future outcome or result and about when or how you will receive it, since this repels the flow of achievement. You must also practice to stay in the present moment and remember to experience what you want in the now because manifestation happens more efficiently and faster when you are being present; this means a state of non-attachment to what is and being in a constant state flow.