This website is set up and dedicated to educate and raise awareness on the study of the subconscious mind, personal development, manifestation, human psychology, financial prosperity etc, as well as other subjects that are more esoteric related.

I value providing enlightening guidance and sharing my professional expertise and personal knowledge to those who might benefit or simply are interested in learning more about metaphysical topics.

I wish for my website to provide you with helpful insights and hopefully, to capture your charm.


Much love and thanks,



Caroline B. Rayaz; Metaphysics & PD teacher


About me

My name is Caroline Brown Rayaz, founder and CEO of Expanded Mind Development. I began my career starting a blog in early 2020, until I switched and created this website later in 2021. I identify myself as a metaphysics and self development teacher with a keen interest and knowledge in a wide variety of subjects, such as those found on my website. I am furthermore also a tantric massage therapist in the sexual healing arts with 4+ years of professional experience. My teachings are for individuals who have an open mind and have a real interest to continuously enrich their life's quality.

The study of the subconscious mind and the physics of energy and attraction interigued me since having my very first profound spiritual awakening and got triggered due to difficult personal life events. This very experience completely blew my mind, since I knew from that moment on that life would never be the same again for me. Suddenly it all seemed to "click" and I knew that not only is there more to life than I was initially aware of, I came to know that I was also in control and connected to a definite larger extend than I could have ever imagined of everything that exists around me.

While simple explained, the essence and meaning of this statement goes far beyond that. From one moment on to the next, I knew that I had known absolutely nothing about the reality we live in and even myself before having this experience. I became eager from that moment on to learn and know as much as I could about our existence and the universe. I had a longing passion to fully emerge myself into learning more about the truth, yet at the same time, the more hidden aspects of life.


Personal info

Over the past few years, I have done many studies in regards to the metaphysical field and I am still doing so. I continuously learn and expand what I know through reading books, as well as through studying content and lecture from various other self development teachers, spiritual gurus and also scientists. Because of this reason, I am constantly developing myself regarding studies of the mind, awareness, psychology, astrology etc. Through all I have learned and personally experienced throughout the years, I have also greater developed certain psychic abilities. These allow me to have an understanding of specific matter, which goes beyond the perception of the physical world and our regular five senses.


What I offer

You can find free articles about metaphysics, esoterism, alchemy, self development, relationships etc, related topics on this website, all written by myself (with no use of third party or ChatGPT!). My content writing is completely my own based on my own personal experiences and research done by me only.

*I don't ever plan to use technological advances such as ChatGPT to write my articles because I personally find that it takes away from the authenticity, personality, as well as time and genuine effort that has been sacrificed by the author. My readers can stay rest assured that all my articles have been and always will be my own creation.

It's also possible to book me for personal coaching.