How To Quit Weed/Marijuana Addiction + Side Effects Of Using And Benefits Of Quitting
Marijuana use has become a social habit and activity within our current generation. You can find marijuana nearly anywhere and many people are addicted to its positive effects. Even though there are benefits to using marijuana, the fact that it’s a highly addictive substance makes people highly dependent on it to perform daily acts and sustain a good emotional well-being overall.
Side effects of marijuana use
Weed or marijuana can cause temporary higher levels of serotonin, depending on the individual. Serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter, acts as a natural mood stabilizer (among other bodily functions). While this is true, the long-term effects are often not so great. Most people desire to quit after years of using, some after five years, while some after twenty years for several different reasons. It’s commonly noticed that people who have been using marijuana for a long time (years), experience negative side effects such as: irregular sleeping patterns (f.e: sleeping too much or too less), severe weight gain or weight loss, poor self-care, paranoia, apathy, anger problems, fatigue, brain-fog, purposeless attitude towards life, detachment from family members, surrounded by negative/wrong environment and financial issues.
Positive effects of marijuana use
Now let’s look at the benefits of marijuana use. It’s reported that use of the cannabis plant can help with mood stabilization and regulation, relaxation, stress relief, help falling asleep and extend sleeping time, expand awareness and increase insight (enhanced senses) and improve the desire to eat.
The list of negative effects of cannabis use is far more extended than the list of positive effects. Note that the symptoms listed as negative side effects are all long-term based, while the positive effects are all more related to short-term use. This concludes that even though there are positive effects to the use of marijuana, the long list of negative side effects should raise an alarm bell. The problem with cannabis is that because it’s highly addictive and most commonly socially accepted, most people who use don't give up after one try. This makes marijuana a dangerous drug long-term based. Just like with all other drugs and substances, with habitual use, the individual risks becoming dependent and experiencing high tolerance. Now the person starts using more while experiencing less positive and more negative effects.

Benefits of quitting marijuana addiction
Some benefits of giving up marijuana use are: higher alertness, higher energy levels, more productivity, better sleeping patterns, regular eating patterns, regular weight pattern, more excitement towards everyday activities, more interest and investment in work/studies, healthier social and/or living environment, better self-care, more confidence, calmer emotional state, more empathy and better financial situations or management.
Marijuana and awareness
Marijuana can alter one’s awareness to one of a higher consciousness. This is especially true for people who already have established reaching a certain level of higher awareness. In this aspect, marijuana can be very helpful and beneficial. However, this does not necessarily involve addiction and living with any addiction should carefully be looked after and treated. Marijuana can raise and alter awareness but this more so happens during single use and its effects are generally not permanent, since people often develop tolerance when using more often and therefore the short-term effects of marijuana becomes limiting.

How to quit marijuana addiction
It’s important to note that what might work for one person might not work for someone else. It can be helpful to see a therapist in order to quit marijuana addiction. For some that wouldn’t particularly be necessary. It’s wise and recommended to stop cold turkey in most cases. Especially if you desire to not fall back into your addiction. The chances are high otherwise that if you stop and start using only in the weekends or at special events, that you eventually relapse.
When you decide to quit your addiction, make sure to have a regime or a schedule to focus on so that you are not easily distracted when feeling bored. This is important, since most people are prone to using when they have nothing to do (or so they think). What this would mean is organizing your to-do list with goal-oriented activities. Focus on things that you want to get done and help you succeed in the right direction. Think about your priorities regarding your professional life as well health wise. Be mindful to make wise decisions when it comes to what you’re putting effort in. Don’t make appointments with people who use for example. This is a problem that occurs very often with people when after a while they start feeling bored or lonely and so they meet up with friends who use and they end up using again.
Prioritize investments towards goals and aspirations as you let go of using. Doing this, you are creating a new reality and identity for yourself. The person who you were before doesn’t have to be the person that you are becoming. People who are dependent on any substance have become dependent to fill a certain void or to reach a higher form of excitement and joy in their lives but true happiness and joy comes from within. There is no substance that is able to provide long-term inner wealth and self-love than one giving it to themselves.
True happiness is natural and it is within all of us. There is nothing else needed to provide ourselves the highest form of happiness than being our true natural selves and being in our natural state of abundance. When we are attached to outside resources, we are limiting ourselves of experiencing higher energy potentials. If we want to remain in a state of natural abundance and flow, then we must live in a natural way which is free of toxic habitual and emotional patterns.