Updated: 9/3/2024
How to Cope and Overcome Stress
Stress is any change in the environment that requires your body to react and adjust in response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental and emotional responses.
Stress is a normal part of life. It is a natural and a physical reaction to experiences in your life. Many events that happen to you and around you, many things that you do yourself, put stress on your body. You can experience good or bad forms of stress from your environment, your thoughts and your physical body.

Effects on your behaviour: social withdrawal, anger outbursts, overeating or undereating, drug or alcohol misuse, overspending
Effects on your mood: anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus, feeling overwhelmed, irratibility or anger, sadness or depression.
Effects on the body: headache, muscle tension or pain, chest pain, fatigue, change in sex drive, stomach upset, sleep problems
Stress can be very harmful to those who already have a weak immune system or those with mental disorders. Stress can lead to many diseases and problems such as heart insufficiency. Therefore, it's essential to learn how to have stress under control.

If we strive to understand our emotions, we will eventually become more able to know how to monitor them in the correct way. This allows for greater opportunity to deal positively and consciously with stress or stressful situations. If you think about it from a rational standpoint, getting yourself more fired up by being in a negative state of mind all the time is not going to help. In fact, you will only feel worse and create the opposite of good outcomes, because of negative self-talk and beliefs.
The best thing you can do is to always remain calm and train yourself to always see the cup half full rather than half empty. Then recognize the problem by looking at it from an objective point of view. Remember, there are two ways to look at things and while both ways are generally equally validate, they serve very different consequences.
Always see the bright side in everything. If you can't see it, look for it. We live in a world where there's duality in everything. We've been conditioned to normalize complaints and bad behaviour, but the truth of matter is that in order to live a happy life, having a positive attitude is crucial. Amazing things and opportunities are less likely to fall into your lap when you see things grey all the time.

Don't let things get the best of you and have such a hold on you. That is, you must train yourself to become stronger than unwanted temporary conditions. Catch yourself every time you feel stressed or stuck over something. Over time, the thing you were stressed about will become something you can live with in a healthy manner or it might disappear from your life completely. In fact, you will probably become able to use that low vibrational energy to divert it into something much more powerful and dissect you energy where it's needed.
People love to blame and play victim of their circumstances, even if they don't always admit it. Of course, stress is a normal reaction to experience yet a lot of people get more fired up because they victimize themselves for what happened or because they blame others. While it's always possible that someone else is responsable for what you are going through, don't be quick to point fingers or start yelling. Stay calm and observe the issues that are finding place. Then find a solution to solve the problem in the most sufficient and practical way for everyone involved.
What you will notice is that when you do this, you will automatically find yourself in a much more peaceful, calm and healthy mindset with clear thoughts and intentions to overcome your problems.

Look For A Way To Distract Yourself
Looking for a way to distract yourself is extremely beneficial to release stress. Think about the things you're passionate about. Start doing what you love and focus on that. Repeat this on a daily basis to achieve the best long-term outcome . It will reduce any stress you might have.
Maybe it sounds cliché, but what you'll find is the more you do it, the more you are operating from a higher frequency and the less you will feel stressful or anxious. When you do what you love, you also increase your dopamine level. In contrast, low levels of dopamine are linked to low motivation and decreased enthusiasm.
A Few Practices That Will Help To Reduce Stress
Incorporating a habit of daily meditation is amazing to release stresslevels and observe your (negative) thoughts, so you can release them. You can find many (guided) meditation videos on YouTube, which are excellent if you are a beginner.

Observe your thoughts
Observing your thoughts is a game-changer to stop identifying with things that aren't related to your true identity. This goes hand in hand with meditation, but you should start observing your thoughts also when not in meditation. You will notice that by thinking the same thoughts repeatedly, you actually began to identify yourself with them. Once you become aware of these thought patterns, you can make the choice to let them go. Observing your thoughts will also help you to become more present.
Stay in the present moment
Present moment awareness is incredibly important and must never be underrated. Many of the unwanted thoughts we have come from either thinking from the past or the future. By staying present and observing solely what's happening in the present moment, you are more likely to stay calm and manifest better future results.
Listen to high frequency music
You don't only want to listen to this type of music during meditation but also during the day when you desire and even better, while you sleep. 432hz music for example is amazing for anxiety release and increasing loving and positive energy.
Go to sleep with 432hz music or music anywhere between 4 to 8hz and find a video on YouTube which consists of a minimum of 8 hours long with positive affirmations that include self-love and emotional healing. You can listen to it with or without earphones while you sleep to rewire your subconscious mind.

Talk to someone you trust
Whether you are in any form of therapy or not, make sure you always have someone that you can talk to whenever you feel sad, lonely or depressed. This can be anyone in your life. It's essential to talk to someone when you feel low or anxious to not let everything build up inside of you. There is always someone out there wanting to reach their hand out to you when you need help. Many times people are even happy about you choosing them to help you and are willing to listen. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help.
Keep a journal
Keep a journal where you write down all of your thoughts. When you experience negative thoughts, write them down and then write down the positive opposite of these thoughts and what you can do to optimize them to bring into action what you desire.